The Ambitious Restoration of a Barn Find Willys Jeep CJ-2A

Kileen Pitt Kileen Pitt Feb 14, 2024 Found
The Ambitious Restoration of a Barn Find Willys Jeep CJ-2A

In the realm of automotive restoration, the discovery of a barn find is akin to unearthing hidden treasure. However, the romantic notion of stumbling upon a forgotten classic often glosses over the reality of the extensive work required to breathe new life into these relics. Such is the case with a rust-ridden Willys Jeep CJ-2A, recently acquired by an ambitious restorer with plans to tackle a project that many would shy away from.

The Jeep in question is in a state of significant disrepair, embodying the challenges that 2020 has presented in a physical form. Its body is consumed by rust, with damage visible on every panel, most notably on the hood where the corrosion has taken a particularly heavy toll. The floor pans are also succumbing to rust, and the vehicle has undergone a re-skinning process in the past, complicating the restoration efforts to reveal its original form.

The previous owner of this Jeep had held onto it for 15 years, harboring intentions of restoring it with his son—a project that never came to fruition, possibly due to the daunting nature of the task at hand. The new owner, undeterred by the condition of the Jeep, views it as a project worthy of his time and effort, a sentiment not shared by all in the classic car community.

Further complicating the restoration process is the Jeep's electrical system, which is rife with questionable wiring and makeshift solutions, including a precariously positioned external resistor near the engine. Recognizing the potential fire hazard, the new owner plans a complete overhaul of the wiring, opting for a modern setup that ensures both safety and reliability.

The interior of the Jeep offers little in the way of comfort or aesthetics, featuring a bare seat frame that serves as a stark reminder of the vehicle's neglected state. Despite these challenges, the new owner is drawn to the unique character of the half-cab configuration, viewing it as a quirk to be embraced rather than a drawback.

Embarking on the restoration of this Willys Jeep CJ-2A is a testament to the restorer's dedication and passion for bringing classic vehicles back to life. It's a journey that requires patience, skill, and a deep appreciation for the history and potential of barn finds, no matter how daunting the initial assessment may be.